
Brie With Apples and Agave

Monday, October 27, 2014

My parents hosted a family dinner over the weekend and I chose to bring an appetizer. One of my favorite cheeses is Brie and I hadn't had it in awhile so I decided to throw together a quick an easy cheese platter. 

What you need:
  • Brie-round or wedge
  • Granny Smith Apples-sliced
  • Glazed Walnuts
  • Blue Agave Sweetener
  • Assortment of Crackers
  • Cheese Board. Mine is from C.Wonder. Similar version here.

Pre-heat the oven to 350 and cook the Brie for 5-10 minutes. Make sure to pull it right before it starts to ooze. Top the Brie with sliced Apples and Walnuts then drizzle the Agave. If you are in a jam and do not have enough time to bake the Brie before your guests arrive, no need to worry it is still just as yummy :)

I decided to add some more accouterments (Brie makes me feel the need to use fancy words!) I came across these amazing Pumpkin Cranberry Crisps from Trader Joe's and threw those in with Crostinis and Pita Crackers. Since my cheese board wasn't big enough for all the extras, my mom had this great leaf platter that was the perfect accent for our Fall feast!

Bon Appétit!!


Gold Foil Pumpkins

Thursday, October 23, 2014

This is my first blog post and I am so excited to share this project with you! Right now I am into anything gold, so when I came across Martha Stewart's Gold Foil Sheets, I couldn't wait to find a reason to use them. With Halloween right around the corner I decided to pick up some mini pumpkins and test out my gold foil skills.


  • Pumpkins
  • Pack of Martha Stewart Foil Sheets, (Copper, Gold or Silver)
  • Gilding Adhesive. I used the Martha Stewart Brand
  • Paintbrushes
  • Painting Tape
  • Paper to protect work surface

Step One: Instead of using the foil sheets on the whole pumpkin, I chose to foil only half the pumpkin. If you choose to do this as well just tape off the desired area. Brush the adhesive to cover desired area and let it dry for about 10-15 mins until tacky. The adhesive goes on white and dries clear. Make sure to wash your paintbrush right away when you are done.

Step Two: After my first attempt using the whole sheet, I decided to cut down the foil sheets into smaller strips which were much easier to work with. Once you have the foil in an easy to handle size, lay it on the pumpkin and using your fingers or brush gently press it against the adhesive. Repeat until desired surface is covered. Since this isn't a smooth surface you will probably have to go over some spots again.

This is a great way to dress up your Halloween and Thanksgiving decor. They can even be used as your Thanksgiving place cards! Happy foiling!